Our Story
It is a pleasure and an honour to invite you to the 9th annual SISMUN 2021 Model United Nations Conference. The conference is a chance for students across Northern Europe to engage in MUN, involving themselves in world affairs and becoming global citizens. Our annual conference will take place on January 28th - 30th. A detailed programme will be posted soon. This years topic is entitled, “Threats to Global Wellbeing". We look forward to seeing you at SISMUN 2021! |
We want SISMUN to be a joint effort of schools across Europe. Students from all schools will have a chance to take up leadership positions in the conference and become chairs. This way, we can make SISMUN truly representative of the region, and become one of the best high school MUN conferences in the world. Starting from SISMUN 2018, we introduced committees exclusively for experienced delegates. If delegates wish to be apart of this exclusive committee, an additional application process will be required. |
"Threats to Global Wellbeing"
Coming soon...
"Risks to Global Security"
United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
The Nuclear Disarmament of Iran
Security Council
The threat to the autonomy of Hong Kong Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
The rights of the Uighur people of China
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Vaccine hesitancy and Public Health
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Commercial exploitation of rainforests
Special Political and Decolonization (SPECPOL)
The privatisation of outer space
Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
Venezuela's Hyperinflation
"Threats to Democracy"
United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee
Development and Proliferation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons
United Nations Human Rights Council
Reproductive Rights
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Mental Health and the Youth
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Neocolonialism Through Trade Dependence
"Challenges to globalisation"
United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee
Small Arms and Light Weapons Trade in Central Africa
Security Council
The Situation in North Korea
United Nations Human Rights Council
Organised Crime and Human Trafficking in Eastern Europe
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Typhoid Disease
Special Conference: World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Regulating the Sharing Economy
"The future of Europe"
Security Council
Ukraine & Syria
Environmental Committee
Sustainable Development
Reaching Carbon Zero
Human Rights Council
Gender Equality
Youth Unemployment
E.U. Debt Crisis
Political Committee
"Threats to Global Wellbeing"
Coming soon...
"Risks to Global Security"
United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC)
The Nuclear Disarmament of Iran
Security Council
The threat to the autonomy of Hong Kong Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
The rights of the Uighur people of China
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Vaccine hesitancy and Public Health
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Commercial exploitation of rainforests
Special Political and Decolonization (SPECPOL)
The privatisation of outer space
Economic and Financial Committee (ECOFIN)
Venezuela's Hyperinflation
"Threats to Democracy"
United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee
Development and Proliferation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons
United Nations Human Rights Council
Reproductive Rights
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Mental Health and the Youth
World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Neocolonialism Through Trade Dependence
"Challenges to globalisation"
United Nations Disarmament and International Security Committee
Small Arms and Light Weapons Trade in Central Africa
Security Council
The Situation in North Korea
United Nations Human Rights Council
Organised Crime and Human Trafficking in Eastern Europe
World Health Organisation (WHO)
Typhoid Disease
Special Conference: World Trade Organisation (WTO)
Regulating the Sharing Economy
"The future of Europe"
Security Council
Ukraine & Syria
Environmental Committee
Sustainable Development
Reaching Carbon Zero
Human Rights Council
Gender Equality
Youth Unemployment
E.U. Debt Crisis
Political Committee